Saturday, November 26, 2011

Which Role am I?

I enjoy and feel the need to make plans, but I also like to be spontaneous. This is why I will sometimes change my plans last minute or suddenly ask people to do things the moment I want to do them. I seem to get anxious when I am in the house for days at a time. I feel the need to get some fresh air; are these such horrible traits?

When it comes to relationships, the female is supposed to be the one who gets what she wants when she wants it, or so it has been said, be controlling, and dramatic. The male is supposed to be the sheep, somewhat submissive, the patient one. Again, this is what is said about both sexes not what I believe to be true.

I feel there is no cookie-cutter male or female roles when it comes to relationships. There may be some similarities, but when looking at all relationships instead of just taking in what your friends tell you they are going through the "role" each person plays is different. Some of the men may not be as easy-going and submissive as others, but their significant female other takes on that trait. Some women may be the bread winner while their husband/boyfriend cooks dinner every night. There are all kinds of variants.

Unfortunately, people need to realize and be willing to live with what they and their significant other are.

I feel I have a very little empathy for people with certain things. For instance, I like to take care of loved ones, but not if I feel they are being a baby/wimp about it; this makes me roll my eyes and not want to help them at all. This may sound mean and believe me I wish I did not feel this way, but it is true. I mean, I understand that everyone has a different amount of pain their brain is able to handle, but I don't think I am that tough and I have been in a lot of pain before. I am not saying that if you broke your finger you should not go to the hospital or that you should not rid your pain if it is possible. What I am talking about is if you have a scratch that does not break the skin and you ask for some ointment and a band-aid. Or, you slept wrong so now your neck is hurting and every time you turn your head you feel it is necessary to make some sort of noise making everyone around you aware that you are "in pain." Deal with it; it will go away or take some pills and stop shouting in my face! I am more apt to nursing people back to health if they have some strength are are willing to be helpful instead of going boneless in my arms.

So, men, try not to be so helpless, but don't be so full of pride that you die on us! (This goes for you too girls; no one likes adult babies.) - Am I a nurse?

THIS JUST IN: Slavery has been abolished! Now you can clean up after yourself; you can wipe the stove off after spraying grease everywhere, do the dishes, unplug the drain in the sink when the dishes are done so the disgusting dirty dish water isn't sitting there for days, and push in your chairs all on your own. Since we all have our lazy days, lord knows I do, this is not expected. Yet, allowing it to become second nature is definitely an option.

Let's be adults and realize your mother is not here to clean up after you anymore. - Am I a mother?

Plans are good, but sometimes they change. No need to get upset and start yelling. An argument occurred in the process of making a plan, the plan was finalized, time passed, one became anxious and bored upon sitting in the house waiting for more time to pass so the plan could take action. A question about changing the plan was asked, another argument followed. The rest of the day spent separated from each other. What a waste of a day off all because one person wanted to do one thing while still being with the other person and that other person wanted to stick with the original plan.

We can't be expected to know what you want from us all the time unless you tell us. - Am I psychic?

Dishes, sweeping, mopping, taking dogs out, laundry, phone calls, appointments, bills, work, coordinating, dusting, your feelings. You take care of some, on your good days without attitude, we do them often. Perhaps we rank certain things higher than you do. We do, however, appreciate what you do when you do it.

Relationships are not one-sided; compromise and communication are a must. - Am I your servant?

We try and so do you. No one is perfect and no one said it would be easy. We have made it this far and plan on driving each other crazy for the rest of our lives. Remember this ladies and gentlemen.

I am all of these, along with many others, because I am married to my love and I will be whatever he needs.

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